Partnering with Parents: Every caregiver is a part of the child’s learning process. It is our strong belief that education is best achieved when it involves a three-way communication between the child, educator, and parent. To that end, the school maintains an open channel of communication with the parents through regular counselling and interactive sessions, welcoming the parents to visit the school and talk to the teachers every fourth Saturday of the month.
Open Houses and regular interaction allow parents to engage in frank discussions with the Principal, Vice Principal, and teachers about their ward’s progress. It is after such an endeavour that all the stakeholders share the same zest for learning and enthuse confidence in the process. Bridging Gaps, Parent Volunteer Workshops, Webinars and Grand Parents’ Day, provide forums to listen to parents and other family members and to guide them on how to handle the new age generation, with so much exposure. Parents can also contribute by volunteering for the Shadowing and Internship Program and help students explore career options. Such involvement helps us to understand parents’ perspectives and gives us a chance to put forward our expectations and the kind of support we need in order that together we can bring up a wholesome new generation.

Happiness is related to both the head and heart. To be able to create an all right all-round learning environment for the students, VIS believes in creating the conducive factors for the same. The school behavioral counselor connects not just with the students but also with the parents as per the students’ requirements.
As a community which has Parents, Students, Teachers, VIS has members coming from various specializations. We invite each member of the Community, including the parents, to share their expertise with all other members. Doing so will open up students’ minds about new career options and update them on the kind of opportunities that may come years later. To contribute, please write to [email protected]

To be able to reach out to the larger community, VIS seeks support from its parent body in spreading the right message. We invite parents who are willing to volunteer with us for our outreach programs and talk about their experiences with the school.